August 22d 1803
Dr Sir,
Trainum who last spring stole Mr. Montgomerys horse, and who afterwards (as I have heard) was supposed to have stolen one from Capt. Joseph Payton of Jackson County was seen at the Crab Orchard last Thursday evening in Company with a man who had lost an ear
I have had information that it is strongly suspected that they lately murdered Maj. Brashear of Kentucky at the Kegg Spring near Duck River on the post road leading to Natchez and robbed him of 2000 dollars in Gold, and some silver. As I have no doubt Trainum is guilty of horse stealing and from the circumstances believe him guilty of the robbery and Murder above stated I am anxious that he should be apprehended for trial and wish you could make such inquiries as might lead to a discovery whether he has been in his old range on Clinch, and what rout [sic] he has gone, Whether he has deposited money there, &c
I have thought it ^might be prudent to conceal the information respecting the Murder ^to wait defaming him until some further intelligence can be had respecting him. I know you detest a Villain and will do on this occasion what prudence and a love of Justice may dictate
I am &c Archibald Roane