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Knoxville 25th April 1796


Since your departure from this place very little have occured [sic], the Assembly adjourned on the 23d; There was great exertions made for the taxing the Indian lands; and on the other side hand every prudential method taken to obstruct the passage of the bill, which ^was being was effected, and by which means there is not any new act for taxation.

By an act of the Assembly, the Governor is empowered to provide a Seal for the use of the State, and there being no proper artist in my opinion, in this State competant [sic] to the completion of a Seal that might be considered and thought sufficient; you will pardon me Sir, when I take the liberty to request that our Senators will take the trouble on themselves, to have a suitable Seal made, and provided, at the expence [sic] of the

Last edit almost 2 years ago by jparktn
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State; You will have it in your power among the great number of ingenious macha =nics that are to be found in the City of Philadelphia, to have such a one made, as will be elegant comprehensive and sufficiently expressive of the purposes and use the fame is intended for.

I hope your attention will not be lacking, to ^Endeavor & to procure the monies the monies due the Officers and Privates for their services in the late expedition against the Cherokees under my command; I flatter myself that the present Secretary of the War office department, will consider the propriety ^& legality of the measure.

I have the honor to be with sincere and much Esteem, Your Mo Obt. & very H.l Serv.t

John Sevier

Honble Wm Blount & Wm Cocke

Last edit almost 2 years ago by jparktn
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Copy of letters to Blount & Cocke Senators

1 No 9

25 April 1796

P. post


[Cert? (Certificate)] of the State

Last edit almost 2 years ago by jparktn
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