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Knoxville April 1 day 1796

Mr Speaker and Gentlemen of the General Assembly

I have the honor to lay before you Governor Vandarhor
s letter of So Carolina letter & ^together with several Resolutions from
Entered into by the assembly of So Carolina, Accompanied
by sundry other papers, relative to the making a
Waggon [sic] Road over what is commonly called the
Western Mountains - I need not point out to
you Gentlemen the Great Utility Benefit & advantages
that would be derived by ^to the Citizens of this State, in consequence
of such a road being [?] & property ^property & sufficiently and I flatter
myself that in your deliberation you will ^not hesitate to prov
=ide ample and necessary means to effect the same such
a [?] & desireable [? ? ? ? ?]
An Advantageous and laudable a beneficent [?]

I have the honor to be your

Wih due regard
Your devoted Serv.t

John Sevier

The Speaker & Gentlemen of the General Assemby

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