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Extract from Articles of Agreement
between the United States and the Che-
rokee Nation, for opening a Road from
the State of Tennessee to the State
of Georgia through the Cherokee
Nation, dated 20th October 1803

Article 1st We the Head Men and warriors of the Cherokee
Nation do consent that the United States may
open a Communication from the State of Tennessee
to the State of Georgia, solely at the expense
of the United States commencing at two
points, to wit, on the Cherokee ground at
South-West Point, and Tellico, also on the
Cherokee Ground; and continued on the
most practicable ground for a good road,
until they shall intersect on the South Side
of the Highwassee river, and it's two
great branches, thence to be continued
in one road to Jackson County in the
State of Georgia, in the direction of the
site of the College at Athens in said County
the said road shall not exceed forty feet
in width

Article 2nd The Cherokee Nation reserve to them-
selves the income of the Ferries, and the
Stands on the road for houses of Enter-
taiments, and agree that one ferry shall
be kept, at South- West Point, one at Tel-
lico, and one at the river Chatahachea
where the said road shall cross the said
River. The ferry at South-West Point

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