shall be put unto the hands of our beloved
Chief Double-Head, the other two shall
be rented by our agents to Citizens of
the United States, to the highest bidder
the preferences in renting these ferries
shall be in favour of the persons having
connexions to the Cherokee Nation,
other things being equal.
Article 3rd The Cherokee Nation shall establish
houses of Entertainment on the said road
at three places, to wit, at South West
Point, Tellico and Chatahuches, at
the Ferries aforesaid, and it is hereby
Stipulated that, after the said road shall
be opened by the United States, the
Cherokee Nation, with their connexions
will form a Turnpike Company for keeping
the said road constantly in good repair
for travellers with carriages and horses
and in order to preserve good order on
the said road, it is the request of the
Cherokee Nation that the United States
will place not less than a Subaltern's
Command at or near the point where
the said road shall intersect the Georgia
Line as aforesaid, for the conviences
of said command a sufficient quantity
of ground shall be appropriated for
wood? & the United States shall make
such regulations as may be found proper
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