to prevent persons from evading the pay-
ments of ferriage or toll, and shall [pass?]
the rates of ferriage and toll according
to custom in such cases
Article 4th In order to prevent disorders from being
communicated to the Cherokees live-
Stock, no Neat Cattle from the South-
ern States shall be driven through the
said Nation, and in order to prevent
the stealing of Horses, or puschasing
them without license, or other impositions
affecting the horses & cattle of the Cherokees,
a description of horses & cattle, and their
number shall be inserted in the passports
of those persons who may be taking them
through the said Nation, and the
Cherokee shall not be answerable for
estrays from the Citizens of the United
States on said road.
Article 5th All officers, civil and military, and all
military Men of the United States, when
on public service, Mail Carriers, with
their horses and carriages shall be exem-
ted from paying toll or ferriage on said
road, also all Cherokees, with their horses
Cattle etc, and all white men residing
in the Cherokee Nation shall be
exempted from any demands for tolls or
ferriage on said road
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