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Carthage 12^th August 1850 Sir, Mr Jose Hall was convicted at the present term of our circuit court for tippling with a slave.

It was manifest from the proof that when he sold the liquor that he was laboringunder the imporession that he had the permission of the master. He is a young man of fine character and I doubt if he would be able to undergo the confinement of one week ( the shortest time under the statute) without greatly endangering his life. I think it is a case where the executive clemency would be [illegible] extended and I hope your excellency will find it agreeable to the public good to release him from the penalty which he has received. You will receive a petition signed by a large number of your friends here in regard to the matter. Respectfully [Joh?] Pickett

Hon. W. Trousdale

Last edit about 2 months ago by MaryV
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