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Mecklenburg near Knoxville
Jan 8 1851
His Excel'y W Trousdale
Governor &c

My Dear Sir

The individual stock
holders having elected their directos for the E T &
G Rail Road their colleagues on the part of the
state will soon have to be appointed. I therefore
take the liberty of saying to you that our friend
Mayor John [Jernigan?] of Clinton in Anderson
County consents to serve if appointed. Last
year it was untruely stated that he would
not serve & in that way his name was not
sent on. I have acted with him ever since
the Board was reorganised in 1847 & I know
him to be a most faithfull competent
& attentive Director & we have felt his loss
all year. You cannot appoint a better man
Judge Elisha Johnson of Monroe County was once
a Director of the stockholders & his experience & fidelity
were serviceable to the Board. He would make an
excellent State Director. The seven remaining directors
I suppose others will have recommended
or they are perhaps well known to you. I have
no wish myself to be reappointed. Col S A Smith
and J C Gott of Bradly McElrath & M Cully of [illegible]

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