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Jackson Tenn: April 28^th 1851 To his Excellency, The Governor of Tennessee, The undersigned Judges of the Supreme Court now in Session, as Jackson, respectfully state that these are upon the docket of said court, the following causes in addition to chose already reported, which Judge (Totten?) is incompetent to try; - he having been of (counsel?) therein: To wit Equity Docket No 44. Henry Jones et al V Norman T Cherry et al.

45 Wm F Murdock et al V R. B. Jones et al.

46 George Gattis & wife V Edward S Boswell

47 John H Bonner V William Milam

30 Samuel Ingram V Scott Lerry et al

Supreme Court at Jackson

Last edit about 1 month ago by MaryV
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N^0 Jesse (?) V Thomas S Polen Law Docket N^o 11-9^th Lurietnet =Bryant Cavary V Necklaw Bracnch and also - he following case in which Hon R J mcKinney is uncompetent to Leat A T McKinny V Alfred A Smitchmek And suggest that Judge herby be acomissioned to hear and (?) the smae R J McKinncy

Last edit over 1 year ago by mbates
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