To his excellency, William Trousdale Governor of the State of Tennessee. The undersigned, members of the Board of Internal Improvement of said state, do state and certify that a subscription of a million & a half of dollars has been made to the Nashville and Chattanooga Rail Road Company, that said subscription is valid and solvent - and that we have taken satisfactory indemnity by mortgage on the whole stock of said company, and on forty miles of said road as completed and put in operation, and on the fixtures therof, to secure the state against the payment of Principal and interest, on the bond proposed to be endorsed for the companyWhich mortgages, we have enclosed herewith. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hand, this 29th August 1851
(name illegible) Crozier Comp Wm Ledbetter, Pres. Bank of Tenn Board of a Dibrell Treasuser Internal of Tennessee Improvement