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County - e.g., Haywood County (Tenn.) If no county is listed at top of card, use county of the place they entered service. If that is out of state, use the birth county.:

Name in full (Last name, First name Middle name, e.g., York, Alvin C.): Jirry, Barney

Date of birth - Year Month Day - e.g., 1895 November 2: 1894, October 8

Where born, Town (if any), and County and State - e.g., Memphis (Tenn.): Byhalia, Marshall County (Miss.)

Name of parents - separate with semicolons ; :

Place of their birth - e.g., Memphis (Tenn.):

Name of nearest kin:

Date of entering service - Year Month Day - e.g., 1917 May 11:

Place of entering service e.g., Memphis (Tenn.):

Branch of service (Army, Navy, Marines) E.g., Infantry or Artillery is Army.:

Company: F

Regiment: 322

Division: 81

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not sure about surname