Kennicott Documents

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my being away from home and some trouble about this collection – tho’ if at home it would be the same perhaps –

I write to you now to say I hope you will not be borrowing trouble lest I am in any serious trouble – ‘tis only to get your advice I wrote or I would not have mentioned it before –

I have been thinking to-day that I have permitted this fear of not getting a good collection to worry me and have determined not to let it do so any more – In fact I suppose I am doing pretty well and considering the bad weather very well

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I sent up my reptiles & fishes to-day to Baird at his desire. Had a big lot – I have spent two thirds of my time thus far on birds but and here is where Ive failed – The next month will probably bring good results and I think I shall enjoy collecting more – at any rate Ill pitch in hard – I shall travel a good deal – Ive given up the idea of going up the Tennesee river as it costs too much –

I wrote to Rev. P. Judson for money and he delayed a little I wrote again saying I had been forced to borrow – and asked for more - $75 in all – he sent me $100. and said “it might not come amiss” He moreover said “if the RR folk wouldnt pass me to pay my fare whenever I wanted to travel (had he not be been profane he would have added “the d-l to them) Ive no doubt) – I fancy they will not be at all stingy – I am just going to get up a big collection at some rate anyway – I wrot Judson

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that my expenses would be more than my first estimate but told him also that I hoped to collect enough in proportion.

I shall not try to get many more birds – I am not a good bird skinner and cant afford to spend much time at it now – a week on other things steadily will bring big results I fancy – Maybe folk will write to you offering to send specimens – if so I may urge them to “go it” and we want all the plants and minerals we can get –

I am not spending much if any money for private use – So console myself a good deal with the idea that I am earning a good deal –

Tell Bruno to get me lots of bugs & reptiles – wade in the Prairie sloughs for salamanders and tree frogs – Buy jugs and jars as needed – Ill have but little tim to collect myself at home – Love to all – Tell Fanny William Ill write to her – son Bob

[page turned written on left side] Did George (Hiram) get Uncle Hirams George) get a letter from me with $ enclosed?

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[printed return address] ASHLEY, WILEY & CO. Real Estate Agents, JONESBORO STATION, Ill. Central R. R.

[handwritten] Ann Ills May 22

Dr John A Kennicott West Northfield Cook Co Ill

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Hyatt Anderson Co

May 24th 1857

Dear Bob I have landed in Kansas at last and have begun work I have caught 3 snakes I will use all the Alchol in a bout a month and if you want me to cotinue you will have to send som more Alchol I have a Copperhead King Snakes we have the Goper in great numbers and the rattel snakes.

I think I had better send them all dead as their will be great risk in sending them a live I want you to write to me and give me full directtons how to send a box for I will have a box ready by the time that I get your leatter o Bob I wish that

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I could see you for I have so mutch to tell you Father sais that he saw a hoop snake

I want you to send some large bottels and be sure to send corks to fit them for part of the bottels that you sent has no corks and I cant get any here you k need not send any more small bottels do you want me to collect Bird Nests and Specimens of wood write to me soon direct your letter to me at Hyatt Anderson Co Kansas via Lawrence give my love to all from the snake catcher Samuel Arny

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[printed letterhead] [top left] PRAIRIE FARMER, A WEEKLY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO Western Agriculture, Horticulture, Mechanics, Education, Literature, Markets and General News.

EDITED BY CHARLES D. BRAGDON. JOHN A. KENNICOTT, Corresponding Editor Assisted by over 500 practical Farmers and Mechanics, who have heretofore written and will continue, with many others, to write for the benefit of their brethren and the public.

The "Prairie Farmer" is devoted to the interests of the Western farmer and mechanic. It is the oldest agricultural paper in the West; is published weekly in quarto form, for binding; is characterized by a high moral tone; labors to promote the interests and advancement of the WHOLE of the family, and to develop the agricultural resources of the West. A special and competent Commercial Reporter is employed to give accurage Market Reports weekly. It is essentially THE family paper for the West.

TERMS.--1 copy 1 year, $2 in advance, or $2 50 at the end of the year. 11 copies 1 year, $20 } 20 copies 1 year, $50 } Free copy to the person sending club. 50 copies 1 year, $75 }

[hand pointing right] An old subscriber sending TWO NEW ones, and $5, will receive THREE copies 1 year. Subscriptions at the club rates must be paid invariably in advance. SUBSCRIBE NOW.-- YOU WANT AND NEED "THE FARMER." WE WANT YOU TO HAVE IT.

[hand pointing right] Current money may be sent by mail at our risk, PROVIDED THE LETTERS ARE REGISTERED. Address "Prairie Farmer," 47 Clark street, Chicago, Ill.

ADVERTISEMENTS of an appropriate character inserted at TEN CENTS PER LINE each insertion--PAYMENT IN ADVANCE.

[top right] Office of the "Prairie Farmer," No. 47 Clark Street, Chicago, [written] May 25 [printed] 185 [written]7

Dear Bob. Your kind letter of the 24th is at hand. Thanks for your congratulations. We shall be happy to see you I suppose you are in this enjoying a visit from your Father, who will assure you of the straightening out of all matters of an unpleasant character. It is better nothing more should be said about it. Your cousins shall be attended to - papers sent &c. Frank and Miss Boyden are just in from your place - all well. Frank has rec'd letter from his friends & goes to him boy instead of Kansas. His sister is sick, enclosed find a letter just recd by me

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You better answer it. I have sent him paper as he requests I shall be glad to hear from you - thro P. F. as any time, as you very well know, but not at the expense of your health, or by foregoing other duties. I am busy of course & you must excuse detail &c

Write when convenient

Sincerely your friend C D Bragdon

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School House

The Grove May 25th 1857

Dear Bob

Major received your letter saturday, we were, and indeed we always are very glad to get a letter from you. We enjoyed our= =selves very much yesterday. Frank and Miss Boyden cam out satur= =day, and all Uncle Hirams folks came down - and Uncle Will's flks came over, (as usual) so we had a house full, Plune came back too just in time to get dinner, I can tell you we were happy even to see her cross face again for we had got pretty well tired by being without any help three weeks, Uncle Hirams gover= =ness is not just what we could wish, I do not like her at all.

We have got the swing put up

[page turned written on left side and across the top] We should all be very glad to see you, we think of you every day all the girls carry buggin bottels but I am afraid they do not get many bugs. You must enjoy fathers visit all you can - and if it is possible get a free pass and come here for a few days –

Alice -

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so you can tell what a pleasant time the boys all had yesterday. Aunt Carrie whiped little Pawl at supper and I guess you would have laughed if you had seen the whole performance, after she had whiped him to her hearts content he commenced talking to her - he said "you mean old thing I don't like you" over at least a dozen times, and "lots" of other very respectful things, while every one that saw made a great deal of fun of Aunt Carrie.

We all wished you were at home. Father told Frank about you frighening the man that was going to whip you, with the snake - and Frank told Dr Evens - who they said was very much delighted. I should not wonder if it had got to be a pretty big story by this time.

Last edit 2 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
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