


Needs Review


Jan 15 th 1854 Schoolroom. West Northfield. Dear Bob, Alice has givin me premission to put this mail in her letter so I will a few lines. Laura has been very sick and [illegible] had to go in and take care of her, she is much better but not well enough to come out here yet [illegible] said when she came out that Laura cried ever so long for she said that she would shurly like if she left her alone for she would be so lone some.[Illegible] says that Uncle Asa has to dress Laura's [illegible] for she will not let any one else touch her [illegible]. How do you enjoy your self at Cleveland this winter? We have had but two snow storms since you were here and the last one is just begining to thaw, now I hope it will freze tonight for it is so bad walking to school when it is so muddy.

Last edit 9 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


I have just finished my lessons so I can write still after the little class have read. The scholors get along pretty well perhaps they would get along a little better if your honor was or [illegible] I do here. not know which Fanny stayed at your house with the girls and Grace almost froze her fingers coming to School ex cuse that capital. I did not mean to put it their! Plees do [underlined] ex cuse all miss takes will you. Good by Emma

[insert] O dear! I cant make in B or I would not say Bob W Kennicott

Last edit 9 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
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