


Status: Needs Review

and read and have [illegible] while you are there. I wish while
you are at Cleveland that you would jump into some conveyance
and come to see us I am sure you might. Bob you do not
know what pretty interesting charming young girls, you have got
for cousins, you cannot tell by our Daguerotype it does not
portay our feelings and action so naturaly as you would have a
chance of seeing if you were here. So do come and see what
kind of girls we are. Belle wrote to you a little while after
Christmas, did you not get her letter? She is not well and does
not feel like writing. she will write in a few days. Good bye. Yours.
Helen [illegible]

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The Grove National Historic Landmark

5/17/2023 Initial review complete. CE
Action: Changed [illegible] at beginning of line 4 to "know". Corrected "Daqueretpye" in line 5 to "Daguerotype". Added "not" to the beginning of line 10. Could not make out other illegible words either.