


Status: Needs Review

the old authors, and therefore described it, under the name of A.Berberidis -
But I see they have the same species in Europe, and it is described by Kalt under
the same name which I had given it.
The apple-tree bark-louse of your vicinity is manifestly the same as we have
here; and I see no reason for regarding it as different from the Cossus arborum -
linearis of Harris's Treatise. The species was first described and thus named, by
Modeer, over a century ago; and is noticed more or less fully by Geoffroy, Redu-
mer, Kirby and Spence, and others. It pertains to the new genus Aspidiotus of Bouche (accent over e),
and is now currently termed Aspidiotus linearis by writers. Upon young apple-trees, here,
and also upon the Mountain Ash, I have sometimes seen it as closely crowded upon the
bark, from the root to the ends of the twigs, as I have recently witnessed it in your
I shall be happy to receive a copy of the paper you read before the
Cleaveland Acad. Nat. Sciences, if you have one to spare, and also any papers upon
insects which you may hereafter publish; and will send you my own, in
In haste,
Yours respectfully,
Asa Fitch,
R.W. Kennicott

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The underlined species name in the first line is "A. berberidis" [the barberry aphid].
The paper he mentions that Kennicott read was before the "Cleaveland (sic.) Acad. Nat. Sciences" [= the Cleveland Academy of Natural Science, later re-named for Kennicott's mentor as the Kirtland Academy of Natural Science, which was the precursor of the current Cleveland Museum of Natural History]

The Grove National Historic Landmark

5/25/2023 Initial review complete. CE
Action: Corrected spelling of "A. berberidis" in line 1. Changed "Asad." to "Acad." in line 14.