


Status: Needs Review

My Flower vases are continually supplied and you can
imagine how cheerful and happy it makes ones rooms
look. Oh! I do not know how I shall live without flowers.
Mr. Lamkin's, home is a new one - and there is no garden
as yet. But we shall be attending to that soon - we intend
to have a beautiful and happy home Cousin mine.
Pa has made me a present of a carriage and a negro
woman and I think we shall make a pretty good beginning
Ever since my wedding - we have scarcely attended to any-
thing - I am going to dineing parties given - in compliment to them.
Bride and Bridegroom - evening parties - and returning
calls - All is merely as a marriage [illegible].
Many thanks to you Dear Cousin for your kind wishes.
And may you find one of these days a true, devoted
loving heart as Cousin Belle had found.
Now I wish to see Dear Alice and Cora - they both
are so beautiful and intelligent now. I have no doubt.
Encourage them to learn Bobbie - and always love them
as you do I know. Ma and Sister Helen [illegible]
write you soon - We are - that is my husband has
an [illegible] given him Tuesday after Christmas - in
his town - We shall all attend it together - then I
shall be left - to brave the world with him. I love so
truly & fondly. Write to me soon - Your next will
be addressed to me at Holmesville - Pike Co -
My love yo Dear Uncle John & Aunt Mary - and
my Cousins - God bless you my Cousin Bob
Good bye

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The Grove National Historic Landmark

5/31/2023 Initial review complete. CE
Action: Not as many corrections on this page and line breaks were in place. Words marked illegible place in brackets instead of parentheses for consistency. Also spaces placed around hyphens where there were none; again for consistency.