


Status: Needs Review

think of answering a letter at any
other time than Sundays and then
if I set in the stone there is sure to
be a more than sufficientery of
visitors, and they wish to talk
consequently and do not get very far
in a letter before some one I have
to lay it asside and then it is
never finished untill the next sabbath
when I try again.
I would like to be with you
this winter and especially to attend
school with you but, happiness such
as that is desired to me at least
for the pressent. Uncle Asa told
me that Father promised him that
I should come out west next summer
but I have not the least idea that
I shall go, but, I shall hope and
be patient for the "good times coming
bye and bye and when it does come
you shall see how quick I will come to you.

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The Grove National Historic Landmark

5/31/2023 Initial review complete. CE
Action: Changed "happenings" to "happiness" in line 13. In a couple of spots, there were some "y"s that were actually "t"s.