


Status: Needs Review

New Albion Feb, 18th 1855
Dear Bob -
Your letter of the 6th came while I was absent on a visit,
and has lain very quietly on my table for more than a week. So it
seems necessary that it should be answered at once. You'll not
expect much in this case and so wont be disappointed.
I have been visiting some of my old school friends at Randolph.
Mary Ann Shattuck who has just returned from the South among the
rest. I was considerably interested in her description of southern life
as she saw it. She went away with very staunch abolition views
yet possessing so much secretiveness that they did her no harm. She
returned condiderably liberalized in sentiment, as is apt to be the case I think.
I have hardly time to consider the matter of the Nat. Hist.
books just now. My object was to inform myself better upon
so interesting a science, and one of which I can deplorably [illegible].
I presume I could procure Dr Fitch's work on Insects, as I have
two friends in the Albany legislature, former teachers of mine,
Charlie Plumb and Cousin Charlie Juelson who is Clerk of the Senate.
Either of them would procure the book for me I doubt not.
I must thank you for your kind invitaton to spend the
summer at "The Grove". I am sure nothing would give me greater
pleasure if I felt at liberty to accept it; but I suppose that would
come under the head of the impossibles.
Please tender my warmest thanks to the friends, and my regrets
that circumstances (that's an ugly word) will not admit of my acceptance.

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The Grove National Historic Landmark

6/19/2023 Initial review complete. CE
Action: Corrected [illegible] to "views" in line 10 and to "friends" in line 24. Changed "Titch" to "Fitch" in line 16.