


Needs Review


[stamped] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION [written] 970 [stamped] WASHINGTON D.C.

July 1, 1855

My Dear Robert

That specimen of Ague, you need not send here, nor had you better keep it; it aint good comany, but spoils sport. Dr. Hoy made the same mistake in Missouri.

I am glad to learn your success and bright prospects. Be careful of yourself however and dont get sick again. Dont wade much in water: better let the fish go, than run any risk. I caught a bilious dysentery some years ago while fishing among the Virginia Sulphur springs, and was for three weeks in imminent danger of death.

The occurrence of Plotus at Cairo is curious and the fact very interesting. I have known of one shot near Philadelphia

Last edit 9 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


What is your mole? Perhaps the one of which I wrote you a few days ago as received from Shaw

Your insects will be better attended to by sending direct to Dr. LeConte. You can request him to turn over what he dont want to the Academy. He will probably make out a full series for you: keep the few he may want for himself. and give the rest to the Academy, and to a gentleman who will do the rough work for him, of pinning, assorting putting on numbers &c. They can do nothing there in labelling other than the colioptera, Send the crickets. - grasshoppers here, and Mr. Girard will determine them.

I will make any distribution of specimens sent by you, you wish; to Prof Filippi or any body else. How does he want his forwarded. Dont send these however till fall.

I had a letter from Col

Last edit 9 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


[stamped] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION [written] 970 [stamped] WASHINGTON D.C.

Ashley and wrote at once to him sending some birds: will send more for your sake and his own. Prof. Henry has also written him about meteorological matters

I will try to get the Herndon, & gibbon, though am not very sanguine. They are very hard to find now.

The labels sent with West Northfield are to be put on specimens caught at home: to indicate the locality: those with R. Kennicott, for what you collect elsewhere. Write the locality on the label. Tie strings on the left hand end, so that you can at any time clap one on a bird or beast. A cardinal point in Nat. Hist. operation, is always to attach the locality at once: I will soon send you more, if you want them.,

Last edit 9 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


I send Dr. Condon the Calab Serpents as requested.

Give my best respects to Charley Pease and believe me

Yours ever SF Baird

R. Kennicott West Northfield Ill

Last edit 9 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
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