


Needs Review


Fremont. Aug 2. 1855.

Dear Kennicott.

Yours of the 5th ult. came to hand, but the reason I owed you a letter was because you did not. get my last before. I wrote one in June but it must have been miscarried. I hope you enjoy your tours, through the state, and no doubt it will be to your profit. I have found but four or five species of mice.

I did not get your letter in time to write you at Decatur, but do not wait for an invitation before you come here. I will be very glad to see you at any time.

I observed the different sounds, last year while the Cicada were here, and found the female made a clicking noise very different from the male.

Last edit 8 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


That circular will be of use to me in collecting soils. I pay some attention to geology, and Henry is East and will get to work upon that science for me. He goes by Cincinnati and to Washington, I gave him a letter of introduction to Prof Baird but had nothing to send by him.

I have two bats stuffed, also a woodchuck. I but a very few insects collected.

I ordered Cuviers, Natural Hist of Animals, (plain) and got his Animal Kingdom - illustrated, mostly by wood cuts. $5.00. There is a fine premium offored for timber, but I have not tried to collecting any yet and am quite busy, and do not know wheather I will try for it or not. I have no Ornithology as yet, but will get Willsons, if that is best.

I do not know wheather I can be at Chicago in the fall or not.

Last edit 8 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


We have had plenty of rain lately and the Wheat and Oats are suffering. corn looks fine.

Henry talks of buying a fine farm close to our place. &c.

Yours in haste William. J. Shaw.

Robert. W. Kennicott.

Last edit 8 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
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