


Needs Review


Racine Aug. 8 - 1855

Dear Bob.

I have been looking over your list of Cook County Animals with interest.

I could add many that you have not which from necessity must be found within the county, but as such a list should be made from actual observation, it will be better for you to limit your Catalogue to your own observations - Such a list ought to be made in every county, then we should arrive at something of value in the distribution of animals - If I were in you place I should omit. Cathartes Atrata unless you are positively certain that you have shot the bird - for I never saw it north of North Carolina - A strictly Southern Species Otisorex. platyrhincus is your small mole -

I am in great doubt respecting the black squirrel you speak of. in fact our squirrels want revising before we can tell to what genus the belong -

Last edit 8 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


I have made a list of the bird skins on the oposite side - I will return the package as wished -

I have prooved that the coccus we found on the Swamp Dogwood (C Syrica) is the same that infestes the Apple tree - They have commenced on the pair trees I know two entirely destroyed by them - but we have at last found an effectual remedy in grease - oil well the trees early in spring and bid defiance to the bark lice. No mistake -

Give the Dr my best compliments, and the manner and addresses blow - If he has gone to Springfield send the names to him - I will be with you at the fair. - Youre in a great hurry Come up if you can spare time

P.R. Hoy

E.W. Edgerton Esq. Pres Sy Ag. Society - Genesee Waukesha Co. Wisconsin

I.A. Lapham Esq.} Milwaukee Wis. S.S. Dagget Esq.}

[page turned, stamped on left side] J. Kennicott Brenton Collections

Last edit 8 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


(Of Nutall)

No 33 New york - Aquatic thrush (- Turdus. noveboracenris) 31 Warbling Vireo - (- Vireo Gilvus) 34 Blackpoll. Warbler = Sylvicola Stricta [female symbol] 30 Maryland Yellow Throat = Trichas Marylandica [male symbol] 29 Female - Scarlet tanager - Tanagra rubra [female symbol] 35 White-throated Finch - - Tringilla Pennsylvanica [male symbol] 32 White-Crowned Finch - " lencophrys [male symbol] A Black-throated Bunting = Emberiza Americana [male symbol]

Last edit 8 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
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