



Status: Needs Review

[written] 217
[stamped] WASHINGTON D.C.

be represented by tooth and bone,

I am glad to have your da-
guerrotype and will send mine
whenever I get time to go to
a daguerrian gallery. In the ab-
sence however you may figure to
yourself a rather lanky, angu-
lar specimen of humanity, with
red beard, rough hair, crooked
legs and the biggest feet in
Washington, wearing a white
long coat as well known here
as Horace Greely - eyes pea green
and age somewhat under
sixty. Ask your father if
I have not hit the nail.

If you will give me the
Franklin Spermophile article
with any additions, I will
be glad to add it to my report
on the subject, and I would
be glad to have a full biography
of all your mammals. Better
publish these first in the Prairie
Farmer, and send me an extra
copy, cut out the slip and enclose
in letter. I dont like to mutilate
the regular file by culling our paper
I have never seen your Franklin

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The Grove National Historic Landmark

9/7/2023 Initial review complete. CE
Action: Changed "de-" to "da-" at end of line 8.