



Status: Needs Review

Racine Oct 29- 1856

Dear Bob,

I will give you the benefit of all I know about
our Mammals injurious to agriculture. I would prefer
to furnish you with what observations I have made, rather
than write out an article myself, even if I had time,
for I feel a pride in your success and will cheerfully
assist you so far as possible. I see by the Prairie Farmer
that you have taken those spoons for your Mama.

The Pouched Gopher – Found in Missouri Kansas - Nebraska - Iowa Ill. Indiana
and Southwester Wisconsin – Throws up a central mound from 6 to 10 feet
in diameter – and from 1 1/2 to 3 ft high, then from this central
mound they excavate extensive and complicated galeries from
these galeries they open shaftes every 6 to 10 feet, from each of these
holes they throw only from 1/2 to 2 bushels of dirt. The central mound
is always thrown up higher in low situations than when located
on high dry ground – during protracted wet weather they retreat
to these large mounds where they reman safe from inundation.
They live in communities – that is they are social – Only come to surface
of the grond to travel about at night – they migrate during
the night from one neighbourhood to another and commence
new diggings. – Work mostly at night – sometimes early in the morng
and late in afternoon - If an opening be made into their [illegible]
they will in a short time fill it up – dont like the light
hence their needs must be evil – from this peculiarity they are
[repeated line]
hence their deeds must be evil

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The Grove National Historic Landmark

10/18/2023 Initial review complete. CE
Action: Added [illegible] designation to [?] word in line 26 as could not determine word either.