



Status: Needs Review

You know much about the Gerebilla, they are more common in
timbered districts, than in prairie sections – I should judge that
they were not so prolific as the Arvicolas or the deer mice –

Dont know much about the deer mice either, the young
of my new species(?) Seize hold of the mothers teats in order that she
may drag theim from the vicinity of danger I once caught an old
on who had four young attached to her teats, I separated them afer
killing the mother, then made several experiments, which prooved that
the alarmed young woud [illegible] the [illegible] of the dead mother and
cling with much force.

Squirrels – The common grey and black species S. migratorius
are abundant in the timbered districts, they have migrated
north since I have been in Racine - 1847 & 1852 just five
year and if that be the period of their migration we will
find them traveling South-west next fall –

The Great-Tailed Fox Squirrel is more solitary and
fixed to certain locations than the migratory spece – the inhabitants of the same
hollow tree continue for many years – They are not so
prolific as the grey – bring forth 4 at a litter and have
two litters in the season – they seldom bark – They are
the Squirrel of the Oak openings rather than the heavy
timbered districts – found in Missouri Kansas Iowa Minesota
and Nebraska – I dont consider them as much prone
to visit the corn fields and commit petty larceny
as the Black and Grey species –

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The Grove National Historic Landmark

10/18/2023 Initial review complete. CE
Action: Added [illegible] designation to [?] words in line 10 for consistency and could not determine words either. Changed "Gray" to "Grey" in line 28 based on previous handwriting.