



Status: Needs Review

circled] 21
[partially circled] 3
[circled, partial] 8

You might devote Satur Friday night, without
much, and Saturday and Sunday nights with-
=out any considerable detriment to your
medical studies. But any other time
would be sure to interfere, seriously, with any
thing like a profitable use of your
time and expensive opportunity to get a
thorough knowledge of the ground
works of your profession. Because
you can not readily lay by the
subjects of the daily lectures to take
up the pen, and work, to advantage,
on your Essay, - unless you can
have a clear space before you –
and that you can have, only, on two
nights (and perhaps one day) of the
week. and then you could again re-
=sume the (but slightly broken) thread
of your regular daily business,
on each Monday morning; and
forget your Natural History, in
its turn, - to take it up after four
or five days, and so on – always
, your health permits; and
you can secure the uninterrupted use
of these two or three evenings, per
week – But, after all, you may per-
=haps, finish up the Rodents[double underline] now, and
get time allowed you, after the lectures close,

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The Grove National Historic Landmark

11/2/2023 Initial review complete. CE
No action.