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5 revisions
The Grove National Historic Landmark at Nov 28, 2023 07:32 PM


there be a doubt of its being the
long eared if not the short eared?
I am anxious to hear from you on
this point.

Another thing - I have two volumes
of [illegible] Report for you. How shall
I get them to you without expense.
If I get them to some publishing
house in Chicago without cost, can
you get them there. If I could
catch an M. C. at my house
I would get them packed, but
there is no present prospect.
The egg came safely and I must
have, by and by some further talk
with you about the unknown eggs
which are full of interest. Many
of them I can determine, others
are new and unknown. Does the
Canada Jay ever breed about
you? There is one egg which may
be that of this bird. If not I can
not conjecture what it can be.
But of this another time.


there be a doubt of its being the
long eared if not the short eared?
I am anxious to hear from you on
this point.

Another thing. I have two volumes
of Giltiss'[?] Report for you. How shall
I get them to you without expense.
If I get them to some publishing
house in Chicago without cost, can
you get them there. If I could
catch an M. C. at my house
I would get them packed, but
there is no present prospect.
The egg came safely and I must
have, by and by some further talk
with you about the unknown eggs
which are full of interest. Many
of them I can determine, others
are new and uinknown. Does the
Canada Jay ever breed about
you? There is one egg which may
be that of this bird. If not I can
not conjecture what it can be.
But of this another time.