



Status: Needs Review

Racine Feb. 6 - 1857

Dear Bob [drawing of a butterfly]

I have just received
the gold & files O.K. keep the money
as long as it suits your convenience -
We were all greatly sorry that the
insects were shaken up loose like the
old womens milk - too bad - I feel a
sort of individual loss in the matter.
but - dont cry for spilt milk -
yesterday I saw a fox squirrel nosing
about on the snow - so I kept - shady to see
what the fellow was about - presently he
made up his mind to dig - and at it
he went with nose and claws and in a
minute or two he had a fine hickory nut disinterred
where it had been concealed by one foot 2 in.
of snow - and two inches of leaves, making in
all 1 ft 4 in through which cold medium he
nosed the nut and dug directly upon
it without hesitation -

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Melody Raymond

This page was very difficult to read and make out the words, I did the best I could

The Grove National Historic Landmark

11/30/2023 Initial review complete. CE
Action: Added "a" before "fine" in line 18.