


Needs Review


Lisbon Feb. 17th 1857

Friend Robert

I wish to learn [page torn] [w]hom to address, to [page torn] of the Smithsonian Insititute. for the use of the "Ill's State Hort. Soc.". Please also give me the P.O. address of persons in this state who are this year keeping "weather tables". By so doing you will confer a favor upon me and do the Soc. a service.

Thus far officially - now as an old acquaintance & friend I want to know how you are all prospering at "The Grove". It is longer since I heard from you all now than at any other time within the past four years. I wish to know all about your nursery operations as I formerly did from your fathers

Last edit 5 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


letters. Do you wish some root grafts (Apple) in the spring - in exchange for something from your nursery? If so I will give you a good trade. [page torn] cks for grafting or bud[page torn] than I can plant. Can I procure a few plum scions from you? I have had first rate success in grafting them on young native stocks at the collar, "earthing up" to top of scions. I am now grafting - slowly for want of efficient help - have a little more than 50,000 set, and stocks enough to make up 200,000. If you have more hands apply than you wish to employ please send me one and I will furnish him steady work at good rates of wages. With best wishes for the prosperity of yourself and all your fathers family

I am Yours Truly, C. B. Galusha

Last edit 5 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
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