


Needs Review


Racine March 1st 1857 -

Dear Bob

I am hurried - hurried all the time. Yesterday I sat down and scratched off with a pencil what I conclude to write for my report on the snakes=Will send it tomorrow if am not with the sick all the time - tell the Dr it will come along.

Jonesborough is no doubt a good locality for zoologizing but I would prefer, if I were in your place, to get nearer the junction of the Miss. & Ohio Rivers. Good advice that of Bairds; all animals almost if we except the strictly prairie animals, have a fondness for the vicinity of water. Finches commence migrating rather sooner than the warblers. Yet You will find in Southern Ill. most

Last edit 5 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


of the finches as soon as the 20th of April - at which time you will begin to meet with a few scatering warbler but the grand procession will not be along before the 1st of May not varying three-five days. In this joyous chipping, chitting, chicking, fluttering, hopping, singing busy throng of yellow, black green and blue coated beauties, you will not find one single Yellow-Rumped Warbler, for they migrate at least two weeks before any other species. They will have all gone north before a single other species of warbler comes.

Look out for Cormorants. They are abundant on the Miss. River. I should like prime to have a specimen.

Look carefully to the Waders, Southern Ill. is a good locality to procure waders.

You nead have no fears about the warblers crossing the rivers to the

Last edit 5 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


extreme point of land near Cairo They have nimble little wings.

Keep a journal and note down the first appearance of each species, as well as the locality where met, - in fact you should record every thing you see or hear that will be of any possible use in writing the history of each individual. This remark applys as well to reptiles Mammals and insects as to birds.

I will make it a point to procure skinns of the M. Michiganensa and M. Bairdii. - and will assist you in the final settlement of the matter - but in the mean time you have M. Bairdii it published in your Pat. office article as a new species under your own name.

Inclosed you find 350 pinns, which Charly & Albert have just counted out if you should need more I will send them

Last edit 5 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


Glad the girls have a good teacher. I know they will improve rapidly. Give our best regards always for them.

Bin up three nights in succession. 9 1/2 now - must go to bed

Good night P. R. Hoy

Dr. Robert Kennicott West Northfield

Last edit 5 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
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