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3 revisions
KokaKli at Jul 03, 2023 07:06 PM


I find that the day is gone and I have
accomplished nothing. The time is taken
up in sweeping, dusting, cooking, sewing,
reading, "just a little", and numberless little
things that use up "lots" of precious moments
without showing any good results - It is a
true saying that "womans work is never done"
Even now I aught to be helping, "work
in the kitchen, instead of writing.

We have not got a girl yet, and do not
know when we shall -

We do not get any "specimens" nowadays -
I can not cllect my thoughts enough to
write -

With much love

In haste
Sister Dalce -

Friday Morning -

Dear Bob -

I have just been
writing to Mr Lapham - I ttold him you would
probably write him when and where to send
the plants. I sent him an invitation to


I find that the day is gone and I have
accomplished nothing. The time is taken
up in washing, dusting, cooking, sewing,
reading, "just a little", and numberless little
things that use up "lots" of precious moments
without showing any good results - It is a
true saying that "womans work is never done"
Even now I aught to be helping, "work
in the kitchen, instead of writing.
We have not got a girl yet, and do not
know when we shall -
We do not get any "specimens" nowadays -
I can not collect my thoughts enough to write -
With much love,
[In haste?]
Sister Dalee -

Friday Morning -
Dear Bob -
I have just been
writing to Mr [Yatham?] - I ttold him you would
probably write him when(underlined) and where(underlined) to send
the plants. I sent him an invitation to