


Needs Review


Ann Arbor 19 Nov 1858

My dear Sir

I have just rec'd yours of the 14th inst.

As a general and nearly universal rule the specimens [page torn] [e?]numerated in the list of birds sent you (which you will have received before this reaches you) are in good condtion. The specimens in the attic I have not yet had time to look over. I am so busy. Our geological collection - and the assisting of the students with bloropipe[?] & reagents & text books - a regular course of semiweekly lectures on comparative osteology at which I

Last edit 10 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


have ten or fiften medical students - assistance required by a student who is learning to use a mi= =croscope of his own in vegetable histology - all these duties leave me s[o?] [page torn] little time that you mu[st?] [page torn] excuse my delay in a matter not imperative at the moment. I am moreover making some arrangements to build next summer - a work which will occupy some time for one season but will save much time & money in the end.

What about a system of colored labels for the [Ente?] museum. I want to decide now for the geolog. Speci= =mens. If the Trowbridge Collection is incorporated

Last edit 10 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


with the rest - as my own will be - the whole may be readily distinguished by the labels - say white for the University collecting - given for my own - [page torn] [b?]lue or yellow for Trow= bridge. Paris green and chrome yellow would be pretty - also Cobalt blue. Let me be informed on this point at once

Prof Bairds very kind letter I have received & answered. I should have taken up the Sala= =mandroids a year ago had not Wyman had them in hand. I think Dr. Sager will be pleased with your suggestion I hope this will not

Last edit 10 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


all end in talk. It begins to look like result[ing?] in something. There is nothing like having a definite object and one of sufficient magnitude & importance to call forth the highest exertions

I feel much gratified by your kind invitation to join your club a couple of weeks - nothing would be more consonant with my tastes but I fear I must forego that pleasure as I have no business in that direction & the expense of travel would rob me of so many books

Your letters are very pleas= =ant. Write often

Your very truly A. Win[chell?] [page torn]

Last edit 10 months ago by KokaKli
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