



Status: Needs Review

Home. Thursday, Dec. 9th '58

Dear Bob - You have, enclosed, my
of the trees and larger shrubs of
Cook Co. - I might have given
several small shrubs that I know;
but as there are more that I don't
know - I leave all the small
ones out. It has cost me
nearly two days labor, and is
reasonably reliable - and pretty
nearly correct - if not quite so -
Dont throw it away [marked with an x, redirecting to the margin] use it as your own [continued in main text] - as my
copy does not contain all.

It has been very cold these two
days - Mercury down to 6[degrees] to 8[degrees]
below zero; and I not so well, [illegible]
bodily, or mentaly, as I was two
or three weeks ago - I sent off, in
haste, by Laurence, yesterday, what
I had written on Marrill's Bill, -
before the U. S. Senate - and your
plan for Zoological & Botanical
Survey of Illinois, [illegible], in
an article - It is not as well
written, as I could wish=; as my
brain refused to do more than
plod - the best thoughts could not
get into the best form of words

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