


Needs Review


Home Jan 12th 1859

Dear Bob -

Enclosed is a letter from Mr Somebody I forget who -

I have not one bit of news to tell, and although I was at Aunt Dele's yesterday don't think the gossip heard there will pay for writing. Mr Sherwins people were at Aunt Dele's and with them Miss Blackman and another young lady - who is - a schoolmistress and shows it plainly - I tried to make myself agreeable but did not succeed very well - I fancy.

Maj is talking about going to Chicago to attend commercial college - I think he will, it would be just the thing for him; if he goes he will start next mondy, we should miss him sadly.

Seems to me we never passed so

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


quiet a winter. Have I ever told you that the district has bought a school library? it contains some excellent books

I am reading "Emmersons English Traits" I like it well -

We are making [word crossed out] shirts on the machine, and lots of other things.

The weather is not cold, but is gloomy and disagreeable -

I have a bad cold and feel stupid accordingly -

All the folk are well -

With much love


Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


[partial postmark] DEC 31 ILL

Mr Robt Kennicott Smithsonian Institution Washington D.C.

[stamped] J. Kennicott Brenton Collections

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
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