



Status: Needs Review

Saint Paul - Minnesota
21. May 1860

My dear Sir,

I have the pleasure to acknowledge
your letters of 31. July and 32. November last, which I had
intended answering from Fort Larry, but must do so, very
breifly, from this place; where I am under the necessity
of returning to Montreal. The effects of a severe illness I
had in the Spring render it imprudent for me to attempt
proceeding further. -

It is satisfactory to learn you have
been successful in the object of your mission to the
McKenzie River & that you are likely to make valuable
additions to the colletions of the Smithsonian Institution.
I intimated to the Company your wish (backed by Professor
Henry) to be allowed to pass a third winter at their ports;
to which they have acceded, and it is now understood
that you have authority to remain at our ports (the selection
of your station being left to yourself) during this year and
next. - As regards your proposed trip down the Youkon,
we have no objection to offer, provided it be done at your
risk and charges. I learn you have permission from the
Russian authorities to visit their posts near the outlet
of the river and I trust may accomplish the trip in safety,
and be repaid for the undertaking by the addition of

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