


Needs Review


[printed letterhead] No. [written] 1417 [printed] Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., [written] Oct. 18. [printed] 18 [written] 62

Dear Bobert

You I have just had your letter of Oct. 18 announcing your arrival at home I am truly glad to know that you are back safe & sound escaped eskemaux, Sioux and all the other Northern varmint. Exactly why you anticipated [page torn] return a few month[s?] [page torn] I dont know, as the Ft. Garry letter you speak of, I did not get. Why you returned dont matter: I am only delighted to have you back Please write me at once some details of your adventures, or also what you have done since July 1. 1861. our last [illegible] we got no letters from you this year: if any were sent

Last edit 11 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


they were destroyed by the rascally Sioux.

I cant advice you about the question of entering the army. You must settle this with your parents and yourself. The responsibility is too great to take on my shoulders. If you go in the Army I know you will fight well: if you stay out, I know you will work indenutably[?] and perseveringly at whatever you undertake.

Have your full statement of your account with H. B. Co. Let me kno[w?] exactly how you stand w[ith?] [page torn] them and all other particulars. If possible. You must come on when the collections argrive and work them up. I will try and make the expedition funds or something stand the cost.

Did Mr. Clarke do anything this year. What are Mr Ross' plans

I have only been back a little while from the North (Vermont) and have not been

Last edit 11 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


[printed letterhead] No. [written] 1417 [printed] Smithsonian Institution, [written] 2 [printed] Washington, D. C., 18

[handwritten] able to see about having the Major accepted, in the cavalry service, but will attend to it som. Since my return Mrs. B. has been sick (now better) and with Kenny's death last week, with the charge of all the funeral preparations etc. have kept me very busy.

Mr. B. [illegible] send kindest regards and congratulations to your father & mother, on your return - and earnest sympathy for the loss of their only grandchild.

Ever and truly yours S.F. Baird

Rob. Kennicott The Grove

Last edit 11 months ago by KokaKli
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