


Needs Review


[printed letterhead] No. [written] 1432 [printed] Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., [written] Oct. 23, [printed] 18 [written] 62

Dear Bob.

I have just received your letter from Ft. Garry of Sept. 8. enclosing that for La Pierres House [illegible]. I need not assure you that your reasons for returning as you did are perfectly satisfactory and sufficent, and that I am very glad that you followed the prompting of your heart in the matter. You have so systematised matters that the machine will probably work very well in your absence and you may even do much more here by aiding in making out desederata, and making up presents for our northern friend than if you were among them.

I had letters from L Clarke & Mc Farlane. The former is all right, and I think rather ashamed of his flurry. I had long ago asked Geo. Mactavish to charge us with the freight of our presents to him and the other gentlemen of the Co. I never thought about it, the first time.

[page turned] I write to Burbank to send boxes by express

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


Why dont I have a line from Mr. Ross? Does he mean to send in all his collections of this year, or what are his intentions. Did he come to Red River with you, and will he visit Washington

Don't do anything at present about entering or enlist ing in the army. I want you here if possible; to work up the collections and secure to yourself the credit for your great & disinterested labor I hope to see the way before long. I write for about place of Medical Cadet. This may be worked into the general plan. perhaps It wont cost you much here. You can sleep and room at Smithsonian as much & Slo[strikethrough] Gill do; You can get board for 20 or 25.00 per month. It will be quite right to take what you have left to come in with. and use it as far as it will go

I have just written to Clark Lockhart & Mac Farlane. I will also write to Mr. Ross, a few lines

Ever Yours S. F. Baird

R Kennicott[underlined]

[page turned] Stimpson here just got back to Cambridge[?] from England

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
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