



Status: Needs Review

Cost of collections
made this summber by curator
and collaborations and
presentation of specimens
now in the museum

Cost of exchanging
specimens and securing the
donations of Smithsonian
Institution and others next
winter $100.

Curators salary
for 3 months $300.

Notes and Questions

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By the context, this note was likely written sometime between October 24, 1857 (when Robert Kennicott returned to The Grove from collecting specimens in the north Red River area for the Northwestern University Museum) and mid-December 1857 (when Robert left The Grove to spend the winter at the Smithsonian in Washington DC). The 1-1/2 months in DC proposed in this document was extended to 5 months with the help of additional support later promised by Dr. John Evans, President of Northwestern University [see letters January 21, 1858, RK-438; and April 24, 1858, RK-537]