


Needs Review


B. R. K. 76. 175[circled]

159 species (about 500 specimens) north american reptiles labelled by Baird and Girard - And 13 species of European reptiles. These include 87 species of North American snakes. ----- About 170 species of North American fishes labelled by Girard.

165165[strikethrough] 165 N.A. birds 150[strikethrough]. Species of North American Birds. And 2 7[strikethrough] 3 3 foreign species, labelled by Baird. ----- About[strikethrough] 45[strikethrough] 52 species of North American Mammals, labelled by Baird. ----- 40 species Marine Crustacea labelled by Stimpson ----- 130 species Diptera labelled by Baron Ostensacken.


[page turned] 450 North American vertebrates

Last edit 10 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


Several hundred About[strikethrough] Species[strikethrough] Coleoptera[strikethrough] 178[circled] labelled by Leconte & Haldeman and a lot of minute Coleoptera in ----- the hands of Dr Leconte for working up ----- Several hundred species Neuroptera and Hemiptera labelled by Uhler ----- A large lot of Orthoptera labelled by Uhler about half of all the described species of the U.S. ----- with a number of undescribed species

Probo[strikethrough] A very large lot of (probably 2000 or 3000 specimens) Hymen optera sent M. De Saussure of Switzerland for working up ----- Several hundred specimens Lepidoptera in the hands of Rev Dr Morris and Dr Clemans for working up ----- Several hundred species Univalve shells labelled (and mostly donated) by Binny ----- A large lot of fresh water bivalves labelled by Lea ----- Lot Marine Shells labelled by Gould and Cooper.

Last edit 10 months ago by KokaKli
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