


Needs Review


Dear Bob

I've just got through my "grinding[underlined]" - subject - Endos[underlined] and Exosmosis[underlined] and enatch few moments to write you - you dear, darned, delightful dev - old scamp.

Mother has just got in, and I must go up and see her. I send out two Doz tomatoes a 20[cents] per doz three apples - one dime three pts. Huckleberries a 10[cents] - one[strikethrough] (the above for (Uncle John) one vial Vanilla 37 1/2 1 pair Slippers 1.25 2 Pins (repairs) .18 3/4 1 Sliver Thimble .50 (The latter for Aunt Mary and Alice) If the slippers are[strikthrough] fail to suit either in size, price or

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


quality send them back. Ditto Thimble - They allowed me 12 1/2 [cents] for the old thimble - I went to Emery's about the Drain Tile - he has none and don't expect any - Will order it if you want it - I've forgotten the name of the house on North Water St. Send it on by return of Stage - Can't hear of any tile in town. at[strikethrough]

The picture has come - Charges on it $2.00 - I send you two letters - one a registered one which I took out of the office yesterday - The other one from California which Byrd handed me to-day

Havn't seen Blaney since I've been in. Been pretty busy - though -

Up till 1/2 past 12 last night correcting proof and hard

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


at it writing mail all day

There was only 2 1/2 cols. of the inside pages "set up" yesterday (Tuesday) Morning at 9 o'clk

Fell pretty sleepy to-night Managed to attend Hospital however to day - and had two first-rate conversations with Andrews - coming from Meals - subject Tuberculosis - a case of which is at the Hosp. now - expected to die soon. Two deaths last night at H. - one case of Plathisis[?] pulmon. The other Dysentery. Studying away like a good fellow - never felt the same incentive to study and success in all my life as I have done the past week or so - Feel [illegible] of winning too - old [illegible]

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


I shall tell you my incen tive - probably[underlined] - when we next meet - I wish you were here to night I would tell it you now.

Dar'sn't[underlined] write it. -

Good bye - I shall tie up your pc'kg'e[?] and take this and it down to N.Y. House and then off to see Mother

Love to all[underlined] - and respects[underlined] to those who don't want my love - and to you My dear Bob

Ever and entirely thine Frank

Wednesday 8 o'clk P.M. Write if you get a chance

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
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