


Needs Review


Aprl 11 1855

Dear Doctor

I have at last got off your Snow balls - and it has also done snowing[underlined] with us - for this time, and we should have srping in the course of a month or trees if you up north would only heat some water and thaw off your snow so that it might not blow so cold every time a breath comes from you, down this way -

My Englishman has packed for you 550 snow balls as he says, and he thinks he has done it well - and I send them in the morning hoping they will reach you safe & seasonably -

I wrote you about some Evergreens from the forest and a few little things which I will pay cash for, if you can and me to get them, and will be glad to give you the snowballs[underlined] or more if need be fore your trouble

Last edit 5 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


in the matter - But if it is too much trouble to you this busy season let it all go

I did not know but that you might be in the way of laying your hand readily on such things through your Chicago acquaintance

My Eyes are still poor - read none - write but little by habit rather than sight

All well with love to all yours -

Yours truly JB Turner

[upside down, stamped] J. Kennicott Brenton Collections

Last edit 5 months ago by KokaKli
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