


Needs Review


Mound Nursery, Canton Ill. Feb. 15th. 1849.

Dr. Kennicott,

Dr. Sir, your favor of the 7th. inst. is just recd. - Permit me to assure you that I am not insensible of the honor sought to be confered on me as an humble individual and a stranger. I lose however, a degree of dif= -fidence when I reflect upon the importance of t the vocation in which we are mutually eng= -ged; of promoting the great cause of Horticul= ture. Ours is a peculiar pursuit, having for its aim the high object of giving characto to the Horticulture of the great west. Circumstances seem to require that we communicate with each other freely, to elicit information to interchange ideas and experience. Our country too is pe-culiar, in its pomology[?] at least. and I often think that we are much in need of a well organized institution of our own, - but of that more anon.

In regard to accepting the nomination you have tendered me, I am somewhat at a loss. Perhaps a want of capacity is the greatest reason why I should decline, again, I am ignorant of the duties I would assume in becoming a mem-ber of said committee, but if you will instruct me in regard to my duties I will use my best endeavors in collecting statistics to assist you in maing out the report. My leisure time however is at present extremely limited. -

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


I would be extremely happy to visit your establishment & make a personal acquanitance with you, & I hope to be able so to do, during the coming season.

I have already enjoyed the ideal pleasure of inhaling the odor of your beautiful roses, and in imagination, gloated on their gorgeo[us] [page torn] colors, which, should the reality equal, I would hope to enjoy, at least a sensual[underlined] feast. Will you please send me a list of your establishment? You have doubtless many articles we would wish to obtain & must, and will as soon as circumstances will permit, I would be pleased to know your prices for roses, shrubbery &c. and should you wish to try an experiement with the va. hedge thorn we would be pleased to make some exchanges with you in the Spring. We have on hand a fine stock of hedge material. Some of our hedg[es?] [page torn] in this neighborhood were finished last Spring (at five years grouth) and "turned out" & are proof against pigs & bulls.

We have a fine lot of young pear stocks and would like to obtain varieties of you, such as we have not, particularly those of acknowl-edged excellence. Of plums & cherries, [we?] have hitherto cultivated sparingly, but are now anxious to increase our catalogue.

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
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