


Needs Review


Buffalo January 8th.. 1853

Dear Charlie

I am glad to hear that - "Charlie Kennicott still remembers his old friend Lod[?]" Our Club is in a flourishing condition and is doing well You say you were sorry that you offended certain parties I would not be sorry if I was in your place they[underlined] deserved[underlined] it[underlined] and[underlined] they[underlined] knew[underlined] it[underlined] and tried to "bite a little" Ed Van Horsan does not knoew[underlined] about my sung[?] place in the B&N H RR may go some where else. Old "King Ephraim has resigned the charge of the 3d[?] Dep and A P Stanton [illegible] taken his place hi is a a verry good teacher and I think that the school will sustain it good name under his charge as under Mr Cooks There are not many of the Old schollars in attendance most all the Girls are teaching school Fanny Murphy for one None married yet. Charlie I believe you will come down here to get a [illegible] yet and surpise some of us "hey boy" Do not know that any of the Girls (excuse[underlined] this[underlined] error[underlined]) knew that you defended their cause - Rullison of the "Phantastictor"[?] does not have any Hops" this winter he wrote up to the Song[?] News[?] Ass[?] to know the price of American Hall and they wrote him he then wrote that the price was to high and he was not going to teach for fun any more he had done it long enough Do not think that I could stand it in such a country where they do not dance - Tell Bob that if he does not write me about what fun[?]

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


he is having shooting I will shoot him when he comes down here (over the d) Since I wrote you have been to Shenectady and Albany and passed Christmas got home the day before New Years - went calling New Years and called on all the Girls Charlie Johnson had a Party the other night went and had a delightfull time "Dells" Violin and Guitar were thus and we kept it up untill One half past One o Clock - Cannot write a long letter this time for various reasons [illegible Soon]

Yours truly Frank Kennicott[?]

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
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