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3 revisions
keleighkurtz at Apr 17, 2024 02:23 PM


Image Condition: PLEASE CHOOSE Primary County: PLEASE SELECT Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD): LEngoing Petitioner(s): Purpose / Short Description: Text of Petition (drag lower right corner to enlarge box):
Given Name(s)SurnameName PrefixName SuffixSigned X (or other mark)Transcriber's Comment

Image Condition: PLEASE CHOOSE

Primary County: PLEASE SELECT

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD): LEngoing


Purpose / Short Description:

Text of Petition (drag lower right corner to enlarge box):

Given Name(s) Surname Name Prefix Name Suffix Signed X (or other mark) Transcriber's Comment


Image Condition: PLEASE CHOOSE Primary County: PLEASE SELECT Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD): LEngoing Petitioner(s): Purpose / Short Description: Text of Petition (drag lower right corner to enlarge box):
Given Name(s)SurnameName PrefixName SuffixSigned X (or other mark)Transcriber's Comment

Image Condition: PLEASE CHOOSE

Primary County: PLEASE SELECT

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD): LEngoing


Purpose / Short Description:

Text of Petition (drag lower right corner to enlarge box):

Given Name(s) Surname Name Prefix Name Suffix Signed X (or other mark) Transcriber's Comment