MS01.01.01 - Box 01 - Folder 08 - General Correspondence, 1974





DEar David - It was Good to sEE you oncE moRE, and it sEEms as if wE nEvER have Enough timE to talk. But what can you ExpEct fRom two "woRldly" tRavElERs? I spokE with CaRlton and hE is douBtful (vERy) that "ThEn ComE NinE" can BE complEtEd By my pRojEctEd datE BEcausE of its impliEd complExity. HowEvER, I spokE with Billy TayloR and hE thought a complEtE film on the JubilEE SingERs would BE a "natuRal" for the BicEntEnnial "for a gRant, of couRsE). I'll discuss it moRE with you aftER I spEak with CaRlton. CaRlton advisEd mE to spEak to NEbRaska concERning the Lily PRoposal.

Last edit 7 months ago by jmginn


I'll contact you shoRtly aBout it. The Balmy islands aRE calling mE__ so mayBe I should sEE CaRlton in puRsuit of the JuBilEE Story.......I can sEE it in my mind. ChaptER II FoR YouR shoRt 10 oR 15 minutE film, I would likE to do somE oRiginal music. I havE somE piEcEs hERE in my libRaRy that I own (fiRst class, Big stuff) that can BE usEd, if you likE. OR I could do a complEte scoRE foR thE cost of studio timE ( ) plus tapE. I can fuRnish thE musicians fREE of chaRgE. I hopE you likE thE idEa.

Last edit over 3 years ago by guest_user


(2) ThE instRumEntation would consist of: 1.) A gRoup of authEntic AfRican instRumEnts (xylophonEs; Dun Dun DEums, Etc. 2.) flutE-, oBoE-, Bassoon 3.) FREnch hoRn, 2 tRumpEts 4.) KEyBoaRds 5.) PeRcussion 6.) Bass / aRco + pizz. 7.) 3' cEllos

Chapt. III HERE is EnclosEed, the "Push Him Up".

[right margin: Have a good summER,] [right margin: YouR fRiEnd-] [right margin: BoB]

[left margin: ThE family] [left margin: sEnds LovE.]

Last edit 7 months ago by jmginn


Dear MR. DRiskell - HeRe in Bogota - bRought with me 18 students to study at this univeRsidad - The experience is oNe I could easily omit From my Life - I suppose it all goes well given extreme cultuRal shock for all- will be heRe till May the end of the semister - want very much to teach with you at Fisk please tRy to Find a place For me. - will wRite moRe when this mess cleaRs a bit - Have decided the South American Experience should be Left to the South Americans. Address MARy O'NEAL c/o ANA Jacobins Department of ARt - UNIVeRsidad de Bogota JoRge Tadeo Lozarro - stReet Calle 23#4-47 Bogota, Columbia

(Right side address) MR. David DRiskell DepaRtment of ARt Fisk UNiveRsity Nashville TeNN U.S.A

Last edit over 3 years ago by guest_user


2111 Crane Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio April 22, 1974

Dear David, My apologies for not writing last week as promised. - Things in the Cincinnati Public School Teaching situation developed in such an adverse way the past 30 days and there has been so much confusion until I could not get the trip together as planned. Beside the other art teacher took a group to N.Y.C. during the Easter (Spring vacation) weekend and that hampered

Last edit over 3 years ago by Vescovo
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