DEar David - It was Good to sEE you oncE moRE, and it sEEms as if wE nEvER have Enough timE to talk. But what can you ExpEct fRom two "woRldly" tRavElERs? I spokE with CaRlton and hE is douBtful (vERy) that "ThEn ComE NinE" can BE complEtEd By my pRojEctEd datE BEcausE of its impliEd complExity. HowEvER, I spokE with Billy TayloR and hE thought a complEtE film on the JubilEE SingERs would BE a "natuRal" for the BicEntEnnial "for a gRant, of couRsE). I'll discuss it moRE with you aftER I spEak with CaRlton. CaRlton advisEd mE to spEak to NEbRaska concERning the Lily PRoposal.
I'll contact you shoRtly aBout it. The Balmy islands aRE calling mE__ so mayBe I should sEE CaRlton in puRsuit of the JuBilEE Story.......I can sEE it in my mind. ChaptER II FoR YouR shoRt 10 oR 15 minutE film, I would likE to do somE oRiginal music. I havE somE piEcEs hERE in my libRaRy that I own (fiRst class, Big stuff) that can BE usEd, if you likE. OR I could do a complEte scoRE foR thE cost of studio timE ( ) plus tapE. I can fuRnish thE musicians fREE of chaRgE. I hopE you likE thE idEa.
(2) ThE instRumEntation would consist of: 1.) A gRoup of authEntic AfRican instRumEnts (xylophonEs; Dun Dun DEums, Etc. 2.) flutE-, oBoE-, Bassoon 3.) FREnch hoRn, 2 tRumpEts 4.) KEyBoaRds 5.) PeRcussion 6.) Bass / aRco + pizz. 7.) 3' cEllos
Chapt. III HERE is EnclosEed, the "Push Him Up".
[right margin: Have a good summER,] [right margin: YouR fRiEnd-] [right margin: BoB]
[left margin: ThE family] [left margin: sEnds LovE.]
Dear MR. DRiskell - HeRe in Bogota - bRought with me 18 students to study at this univeRsidad - The experience is oNe I could easily omit From my Life - I suppose it all goes well given extreme cultuRal shock for all- will be heRe till May the end of the semister - want very much to teach with you at Fisk please tRy to Find a place For me. - will wRite moRe when this mess cleaRs a bit - Have decided the South American Experience should be Left to the South Americans. Address MARy O'NEAL c/o ANA Jacobins Department of ARt - UNIVeRsidad de Bogota JoRge Tadeo Lozarro - stReet Calle 23#4-47 Bogota, Columbia
(Right side address) MR. David DRiskell DepaRtment of ARt Fisk UNiveRsity Nashville TeNN U.S.A
2111 Crane Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio April 22, 1974
Dear David, My apologies for not writing last week as promised. - Things in the Cincinnati Public School Teaching situation developed in such an adverse way the past 30 days and there has been so much confusion until I could not get the trip together as planned. Beside the other art teacher took a group to N.Y.C. during the Easter (Spring vacation) weekend and that hampered