General Correspondence, 1976 November-December 12 Box 2, Folder 3 David C. Driskell Papers MS01.01.01
November 9, 1976 Ms. Geraldine Husman 9612 Jellico Avenue Northridge, California 91325 Dear Ms. Hussman: Thank you for your letter of October 22, 1976. Hopefully, findings on the Tanner work will clear up any projections we have made on its subject. I shall let you know what we'll find out. Very sincerely yours, David C. Driskell Director and Chairman
November 16, 1976
Mrs. Vera R. Jackson 1004 Railroad Street Corona, California 91720
Dear Mrs. Jackson:
Thank you for your letter of October 27. I was delighted to recieve the new slides. Please send me again the name and adress of your school. I have it in the earlier material that you sent but in the process of packing have overlooked it.
I hope that your work is continuing to go well. Hope that your children enjoyed the exhibition. Please keep in touch.
Sincerely yours,
David C. Driskell Director and Chairman
19 November 1976
Mr David Driscoll, Chairman Art Department Fisk University Nashville, Tennessee
Dear Mr. Driscoll:
The Massachusetts College of Art is establishing a Center for the Study of AfroAmerican Art under the Ethnic Heritage Studies Program of Title IX (The official title of the Center will be selected at a later date.)
The Center will address itself to training administrators, faculty and students in methods of setting up and implementing instructional programs involving and integrating Black American Art with the art and culture of other Americans.
An advisory council is one of the requirements for such a program. The council will be used as an idea and informational resource. The council be expected to contribute to the formulation of the proposal for the grant and the formation of the Center. Most of this can be done through correspondence or by phone.
After the initial organizational meeting, the Council will meet only when deemed necessary.
You have been suggested as a possible candidate for the aforementioned council.
Time is of the essence, if you are interested in serving, please reply as soon as possible.
Thanks for your consideration.
Respectfully, Zimeri A Cox Zimeri A. Cox Assistant Professor in Art History
[Christmas card: red background gold garland or tree and holly wrapped in a ribbon]