



Status: Complete


Instructions To Semi-Finalists

Please note the delivery dates for works to be submitted.
If you have a "special" problem in meeting those dates, please not-
ify our office immediately. Works submitted must be available for
purchase, must be in good condition and properly prepared to pro-
tect from incidental damage which may result in handling. Ex-
tremely fragile or improperly finished works will not be accepted.
Follow the specifications stipulated by the panel which has select-
ed your work for review.

You will be notified shortly after delivery of the disposi-
tion of your works. Artists whose works are selected will be
asked to sign purchase forms. Dates will be announced for the
pick-up of works not selected.

The Selection Panels are as follows:

1. PAINTINS (Oils & Acrylics): Please submit no more that two
pieces of work for consideration. Some form of framing is
required. (Works selected will be reframed.)

2. WORKS ON PAPER (Paintins in Water Colors, Tempera, Gouche;
Drawings, Pastels and Paper Collage): Please
submit portfolio of your works. Individual pieces, if not
protected in portfolio casing, should be matted; acetated or

3. SCULPTURE: Please submit, or make available for view, 3 - 10
pieces of your work.

4. PRINTS (Relief, Graphic, Intaglio): Please submit a port-
folio of your works. Individual pieces, if not protected in
portfolio casing, should be matted; acetated or framed.

5. PHOTOGRAPHY: Please submit a portfolio of your works. All
pieces should be matted or framed.

6. SPECIAL MEDIA (Ceramics, Weaving): (To be announced)

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