


Status: Complete


February 11, 1977

David C. Driskell

Hey David,

Enjoyed my day with the Driskells as I returned here from
the Southland last month. We're looking forward to a more
extensive review of the collection and library files at
some future date.

Enclosed find a copy of the Georgia Folk Art catalog I
promised you as well as an added bonus (lucky you) --
a copy of 19TH CENTURY mag with the latest Thomas Day
article in it. Note: Carl Anthony finally got that paper
of his on Afro-American architecture and slave quarters published
(that you already have a copy of) in LANDSCAPE magazine
vol 20, no 3 (Spring, 1976) and vol 21, no 1 (Fall, 1976)
just in case you hear about it and think you don't have it.

Now for reminders on your list of things to do:
1) I need an official estimate of the cost of repairing
the damage on my W. H. Johnson print (it must be for over $100.)
Deaccession copy is enclosed. I did write the Fisk Art Dept.
2) You were to write the L.A. County Museum for zeroxes
of all pics in crafts and architecture from the exhibit.
3) You were to write the L.A. Museum about the other
copies of the catalog for me (to ask for 9 more -- they owe
me at least 4 more since I only got 1)
4) Return Herbert Hemphill pic of face vessell to me it was
a loan not charged for) -- see enclosed zerox of it.
5) Did you ever get any catalogs to Bill Barrett
(photographer of Tom Day pics) You had said you'd get him 2 or 3.
6) Return my Atlanta building pics sent out to L.A.
to you there in August.
7) Papers of mine not returned:
a. Macletus Dejoie paper on Metoyers in Louisiana.
b. John Vlach paper on shotgun house (you returned
the illustrations but not the text)

Immediate action on the first five is respectfully requested.

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