[Blacked out area]
January 8, 1979
Mr. David C. Driskell, Carl Van Vechlen Gallery of Fine Arts, Fisk University, 18th And Jackson Street, North Nashville Tennessee 37203.
Dear Mr. Driskell:
I am sending you color slides of my art work, so that you may become acquainted with my style of art.
I am aware of your interests in the fine arts and because you happen to be an art director, I have chosen to write to you. I would appreciate very much if you will consider the task of recommending my art work to some of your constituents and to ask them if they might consider my paintings worthy of exhibition in some of their art shows.
It is my ardent hope that my paintings may inspire you enough to help me introduce them to your peers.
Very Sincerely,
Alexander B. Gavalas
ABG/ Enclosed: Please find self address env., for return of ref., mat., and color slides.
[image alt text: photocopy of a mailed receipt]
February 27
Dearest David, Tried to make it to your leccture but the weather was too bad on this end! (I hope Debbie gave you my best wishes at ISU!) I'm sure your show and lecture were a success. Right
now, I'm trying to keep a schedule for my own paintingit certainly requires a lot of discipline ... Please give my love to the family and esp. Mrs. "D."
Keep in touch! Have your heard from little David? I've not heard anything in a long time -
Love, Adrienne
David - I send my love to you the family at Easter time - miss wash. + it is still snowing here. Are you going to be in Maine for the Summer - am looking forward to a chat with you real soon & if not will try to compose some bits of readable info. may apply to skowhegan for next summer - must make money somewhere, this summer. Love Karen