


Status: Complete

Copy to Dr. David Driskell

July 12, 1984

Milt Dickerson
4200 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20008

Dear Milt:

It was good speaking with you the other night. I am really looking
forward to the next NCA conference and I hope that you can help me.

I have approached my Chairman about arrangements being made through
the school about funding my trip and I was told that my trip would be
funded if I were to participate on a panel. I would like to be a
part of this conference, not only because of the school funding the
trip, but I would like to share my thoughts and art with the members
of the NCA. I would like to participate on one of the panels.

I must submit a written invitation to participate from the NCA in
order to receive funding from my department. Could this be arranged?
I will receive 100% funding if this can be done. Also, please note
that I have already paid the necessary reservation fee of $75.00.

I have enclosed two articles that were written since I came to Florida.
It has been a very interesting experience being down here. We will
have to talk about it.

I hope that something can be worked out for me. I really want to
attend this conference and I feel that this school should fund it.
I am the only minority instructor in the Department and They should
address my needs. I am very interested in being on a panel for this
conference because I feel that I have important experiences to share.

Please let me know as soon as possible so that I can make arrangements
with my school. Thanks for your consideration and I will be talking
with you soon.

Louis Delsarte [signature]
Louis Delsarte

P.S. My address will be changing as of
August 1st. It will be: 9440 Tangering Place
Apt. 304
Ft. Lauderdale 33324

Ph. studio 583-8866
Office. 475-6509
area code = (305)

Milt, I'm also interested in exhibiting my work,
at the Next conference, perhaps bringing rolled up, wall
hangings. The suggestion shoud be brought up so that other
artist could participate, in a "group show" for the duration of
the conference. Also I would like to update, my membership,
could you send . application forms -. Louis

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