


Status: Complete

[Budek Films and Slides' Coupon Advertisement]

Budek films and slides
Color Slide Sets
Special Coupon Savings

10% OFF Series MI 10% OFF
An Introduction to Painting
162 slides selected by Alan French of the Rhode Island School of
Design give a superb introduction to Art History. Essential for
any slide collection!
m6-4 I, Cave Painting to the m8-4
Middle Ages (37)
m7-4: II, Middle Ages to
Renaissance (39)
m8-4: III, Renaissance to
Baroque (40)
m9-4: IV, The 18th to 20th
Centuries (46)

Unmounted Reg. $104.00 With Coupon $93.60
Cardboard Reg. $160.00 With Coupon $144.00
Glass Reg. $200.00 With Coupon $180.00

$2 OFF Brand New Series - LaII $2 OFF
Contemporary Latin American Artists
210 excellent color slides in an evergrowing series focus on
some of the top contemporary Latin American Artists. No
well-rounded collection should be without these.

la18-4: Botero: Magic & Reality
40 color slides/bilingual cassette $75.00
la19-4: Recent Latin American Drawings
110 color slides/bilingual cassette $125.00
la20-4: Fernando de Szyszlo (20 color slides)
Unmounted $23.00, Cardboard $35.00, Glass $42.00
la21-4: Eduardo MacEntyre (20 color slides)
Unmounted $23.00, Cardboard $35.00, Glass $42.00
la22-4: Maria Luisa Pacheco (20 color slides)
Unmounted $23.00, Cardboard $35.00, Glass $42.00

10% OFF Series MII 10% OFF
The Artists Was A Women [sic]
200 color slides from the film "The Artists Was A Woman"
showing 400 years of art that has been neglected too long. An
urgent addition to every collection!
m19-4: I, 1550-mid 17th Century
m20-4: II, 17th Century
m21-4: III, 18th Century
m22-4: IV, 19th Century
m23-4: V, 1850-1950

Unmounted Reg. $130.00 With Coupon $117.00
Cardboard Reg. $200.00 With Coupon $180.00
Glass Reg. $250.00 With Coupon $225.00

15% OFF Series La1 15% OFF
A History of Mexican Art
360 color slides in 9 super sets show the mysteries of Mayan
Art, then continues with the Mixtec, Aztec, Colonial and
Modern Art & Architecture
la6-4: Mayan Art I, Chichen
la7-4: Mayan Art II
la 8-4: Cuilcuilco, Tula and
a selection of Indian
la9-4: Monte Alban & Mitla
la10-4: Aztec & Pre-Aztec Art
la11-4: Colonial Art, 16th
la12-4: Colinial[sic] Colonial? Art, 17th-
18th C.
la13-14 Modern Architecture
in Mexico City
la14-4: Modern Architecture,
University City

Unmounted Reg. $234.00 With Coupon $199.00
Cardboard Reg. $360.00 With Coupon $306.00
Glass Reg. $450.00 With Coupon $382.50
15% OFF 15% OFF

$2 OFF $2 OFF
Five Great Sets on Latin
American Art & Architecture
la1: San Juan Teotihucan (10)
la2: Tula (10)
la3: Uxmal (10)
la4: Mitla and Monte
Alban (10)
la5: Modern Architecture
in Universal City,
Mexico (10)

Unmounted Reg. $45.00 With Coupon $43.00
Cardboard Reg. $62.50 With Coupon $60.50
Glass Reg. $87.50 With Coupon $85.50

Send Orders To:
films and slides
73 Pelham St.
Newport, RI 02840
or call: (401) 846-6580
*Coupons Must Accompany Your Order*

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